Finding Meaning in Medicine: Helpful Resources

Below are some books, videos, articles, and podcasts that can help us think more deeply and critically about what it means to reconnect to medicine, to each other, and to ourselves.  

Recommended Books

Recommended Videos

Brene Brown, PhD: The Power of Vulnerability

Carrie Cunningham, MD, MPH, Association for Academic Surgery, Presidential Address, “Removing the Mask”

Dominic King, MD: Physician Suicide: What Medical Students Need to Know

Gabor Mate, MD: How Childhood Trauma Leads to Addiction

B.J Miller, MD: What Really Matters at the End of Life

Nicole Piemonte, PhD: Being Human in Healthcare: Suffering, Vulnerability, and Compassion

Gabor Mate, MD: The Trauma of Abandonment

Lucy Kalanithi, MD: What Makes Life Worth Living in the Face of Death

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Recommended Podcast Episodes